Walking the city

I Thought I would document the journey I take from my house to my favorite place. It is a place that I like to sit in, draw in, just be in and breathe in. A place that`s pretty and peaceful and full of nature. Scenes, sounds and smells are all around me in this place. It is a public place but very rarely busy so I feel relaxed here.

Leaving my house, locking the door (sound clip)

Walking the garden path (video)

Walking the street (video)

High rise building on the way (picture)

The tram arriving at the platform (sound clip)

Leaving the tram, onto platform (video)

Walking, feet in motion, grounds surface changes (video)

Sounds of the trees and birds singing (sound clip)

My feet crunching on dried crispy fallen leaves (video and sound)

Water gushing loudly from pipe into lake (video and sound)

Arriving at favorite spot, ground surface changes again (video)

Trees singing and dropping leaves as they sway in the breeze, Quail coos and ducks quack, Fish bob up for air making a small splash (sound clip)  

Here I sit and just take in everything around me and try to keep my mind still.


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